What a fun and crazy few months we have had! Between Christmas, working and Alice's birthday it has been enough to keep us busy. Christmas was so much fun. I loved it when it was just Shane and I, but having a child experience Christmas is so magical. We got to have the madrigals come to our ward Christmas party and Alice loved watching them perform. She also got so spoiled on Christmas eve and Christmas day and we are grateful to Santa and our generous families for making the day very special for us and Alice.
We also had the chance to celebrate Alice's birthday on January 31st. We had a fun ladybug themed birthday since her nickname is 'Ali-Bug.' I'm so proud of my little munchkin and the beautiful young lady she is becoming. I'm so grateful for the special spirit she brings into our home and for the light she is to Shane and I. We could not be more blessed to have her and I thank Heavenly Father for her each and everyday.
Here are just a few pictures I took on Valentine's Day. Shane and I both had to work that day, but we got to spend some time together after I got home from work that weekend. I love my husband and baby more than anything and can't imagine life without them. Thanks for reading! :)